Kate Ashton-Lighting Designer
Kate Ashton (Lighting Designer) has been working with SYREN since 2009, when she lit the premiere of “the last of the leaves”. Other favorite works with the company include “Toward Home” and “Red & Blue, Bitter & Sweet”. Kate is the resident lighting designer for the dance department at Williams College, frequently works with the Joffrey Ballet School, and is the Lighting Director for Fall for Dance at New York City Center. Her work in opera includes Wozzeck and A Thousand Acres at Des Moines Metro Opera, Hometown to the World (Santa Fe Opera), Turn of the Screw and Burning Fiery Furnace at Juilliard, and Les Contes d'Hoffman (Aspen Music Festival). BA: College of William and Mary, MFA: New York University. Member, United Scenic Artists. www.kateashtonlighting.com